The AG Manager Academy

The AG Manager Academy

Introducing The AG Manager Academy, a premier training program for new managers in Colorado Springs, Colorado. We understand the challenges that come with transitioning from an individual contributor to a manager and the nee...

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About The AG Manager Academy

About Us

The AG Manager Academy

Introducing The AG Manager Academy, a premier training program for new managers in Colorado Springs, Colorado. We understand the challenges that come with transitioning from an individual contributor to a manager and the need for a solid foundation to build a successful leadership career. That's why we provide new managers with the playbook they need to feel confident and prepared as they step into their managerial roles.

With almost 20 years of experience managing teams in the medical device industry, our founder has achieved lower turnover rates than any other department year over year, even maintaining one team with all of its original members for an impressive 10 years. Drawing from this wealth of experience, we have developed a comprehensive 1-day training program that covers all critical areas of management, equipping new managers with the tools they need to lead effectively from day one.

Our engaging and highly effective training program addresses key questions that new managers often face: When do you delegate? How do you navigate difficult conversations? How do you motivate your team? How do you create a positive and productive work culture? How do you resolve conflicts within your team? These are just some of the many topics covered in our training program.

At The AG Manager Academy, we believe in providing practical solutions and actionable strategies that new managers can implement immediately. Our goal is to empower new managers to lead with confidence and competence, ultimately driving success for both themselves and their teams.

If you're ready to invest in the future success of your new managers, contact The AG Manager Academy today. Let us help your new leaders thrive in their roles and contribute positively to your organization's growth and success.

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